Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CCA Feudal System!

The castle project is finally finished! The students thoroughly enjoyed crafting their castles, and after adding the finishing touches of wells, drawbridges, and flags, they named their castles and presented them to the school. On the school's feast day before Thanksgiving break, all the CCA students and families voted on their favorite castle. The house of Tauros' castle named "Divinity Castle" won the contest.

Aetos "Knights of Fame Castle"
Tauros "Divinity Castle"

Leon "Lion's Pride Castle"

Class Room Solar System

The class finished their study of space, and created paper-mache planets which we hung from the ceiling in the classroom using on of the lights as the Sun. The students love seeing the planets floating over their heads, although at times they have been known to fall and interrupt class!

Baby Shower!

 The class threw Campbell, my soon to be first child(girl), a baby shower! They are so very thoughtful, and it was such a blessing. We had a blast with the students and families, devouring sweets, and playing games. Soon my newborn daughter will meet my class full of girls!

Friday, November 12, 2010

We Scream for Ice Cream!

Our class was awarded an ice cream party this week for coming in 2nd place in the school's box top competition!  I was happy to feed them frozen energy and send them home to their parents!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


In our History class, we have begun discussing, and moving into the time period of the feudal system and the prominent use of castles.  The class was split into houses, and began by researching different castle types and designs. After they had agreed upon a castle design, they began drawing blue prints of how they wanted the castle laid out. It was a great opportunity for them to learn about mathematical measurements, and the drawing of blueprints.  They turned their measurements into the head engineer (myself), and I cut styrofoam to their specifications.  They colored land and moats, and erected their outer walls this week, as is seen in the pictures.


Louisville Sceince Center

Picture coming soon!
On Nov. 9th we had our second class field trip. We traveled to the Louisville Science center! Unfortunately, in the hustle and bustle of the morning preparing for the commute, I forgot the camera. Therefore, there is a lack of adorable picture of the class having a blast while learning all about science.  We started off doing a lab where the class learned about states of matter. They were able to explore liquids, solids, and gasses, and really enjoyed the dry ice experiments! Afterwards we watched the Imax: Molecules in Motion, it was fun, albeit a little over their heads. The class spent the remainder of the day exploring the exhibits to the utter exhaustion of teachers and parents!  The girls seemed to really enjoy the virtual simulators, and building things, and most of all the bubble maker which allowed them to stand inside of a bubble! The gift store was a big hit too, no surprise there, for it is a class of all girls.