Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Classroom MOM !

Our class has finally filled the position of Classroom Mom, which is simply one of the students mothers who will graciously devote some of their time to helping me in various ways.  Mrs. Leonard is our classroom mom, and we already owe her a debt of gratitude.  Hopefully you have noticed the students have new Agendas to record homework on. These will be helpful for the students organization skills, they are easy for the parents to decipher, and take less of my time in class to get filled out properly! Therefore, thank you Mrs. Leonard. You will also notice next to my signature every day in their agenda a colored dot that represents the color the student ended the day on.(Green, Yellow, or Red)  Hopefully this will enable you to question your children as to the cause of their color letting them explain and learn from their faults.

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