Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Covenant Classical Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

     As shown on the calendar, today is the day in which all students were placed into houses.  For the most part the house system brings with it the connotation of Harry Potter's school Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but J.K. Rowling was not the first to implement this idea.  This system has been in place in many schools long before the writing of the Harry Potter series.
     Throughout a child's educational career their social development is mostly "horizontal", meaning for the main part they are only interacting with other children of the same age and grade.  One beneficial aspect of the house system is enabling children to have "vertical" social development, being able to engage relationally with students younger and older than themselves.  This will in turn give the students a chance to become student leaders, role models, and serve one another.  This system allows for healthy, family style camaraderie and competition athletically, academically, and behaviorally.
     There will be four houses named after the visions Daniel had of the 4 faces of the cherubim: man, eagle, lion, and ox.  One house will be made entirely of staff and adults, and this will be the house of man which will be called Anthropos( Greek for man). The other three housed will be made up of students with each house being led by student officials, and they will be called Tauros (ox), Aetos (eagle), Leon (lion).

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