Monday, September 13, 2010

Discipline and Rewards

     I thought it would be beneficial for everyone to know and understand the punishment and reward system in my classroom. The punishment system revolves around the changing of colors via the color chart and clothespins. Everyday the students begin on green.  Upon an infraction of the rules the student would then move to yellow or possibly red depending on the severity. Moving to yellow means loss of half (15 minutes) of recess, where as moving to red would mean losing all of recess (30 minutes), having a note sent home to the parents, and possibly meeting with Headmaster Harris. Once your color is changed, there is no going back until the beginning of the next day.
     At the end of each day any student remaining on green will receive a ticket. If the entire class has remained on green all week then each student receives two additional tickets on Friday. Twice a month these tickets can be traded in at "Smither's Bazaar", the name of our classroom marketplace shop where various items can be purchased using tickets!

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